Saturday 6 April 2013

Broken bones :(

So after 15 years of parenting it finally happened......we have our first broken bone :(

A freak pushchair accident at the zoo left my poor 3 year old daughter with a fractured tibia. An overnight stay in hospital and a full leg cast later, and she is doing well.

She didn't scream or cry when she did it, and shes rarely cried since. She is a little star, coping so well with being immobile. I'd even go so far as to say shes embracing her inner diva, and loving having the rest of us running around after her ;)

I did feel bad for her on Easter Sunday though. Unable to run around egg hunting with her brother and sisters, she sat indoors at my parents' house and watched them out of the window. She didn't complain once though! I can't help but think that if it was me I wouldn't be quite so accepting lol. My little star has taught me so much this last week. I just wish she didn't have to suffer to do so :( I wish I could rewind time and stop it from happening, or at least take away her pain. My poor baby :(

Saturday 23 March 2013

Hi, and welcome to my little blog! I wanted a place to share all the cute and funny things my children say and do, as well as some of the photos I'm proud of and my creations :)

I guess i should start by introducing myself! I'm Kelly, and I'm Mummy to four beautiful children. Three girls aged 15, 5 and 3, and my little man, who has just turned 8. They keep me busy and provide me with endless fun and inspiration, not to mention the all important love and cuddles :)

5 years ago I couldn't sew or knit, I loved taking pictures but didn't have the first clue about photography. My third child was my catalyst. I drifted into AP (attachment parenting, for those not in the know) and discovered a whole new world of pretty nappies and adorable handmade clothing! I wanted them all, but although I wanted to support these WAHM, my finances just wouldn't stretch to more than a few small purchases. So I set about teaching myself how to create mini masterpieces for my little ones!

Alongside this new-found creativity my yearning to learn more about photography was growing. I became frustrated with the limitations of my compact camera, and so my wonderful husband bought me a DSLR. When I worked up the courage to take it off Auto, I realised how much I had to learn. I have spent the last three years trying to learn and improve, and I have come a long way! I hope that by sharing my work with others I can continue to progress, and take you all along for the ride :)

So thats me :)